Reader Advisory: This story is for mature audiences only and features intensely erotic situations, bdsm play, spanking, humiliation, discipline, punishment, submission and dominance. All characters are 18 or older.
Emma's young and handsome boss has always taken a special interest in her, ever since she first came to work for him at the age of sixteen. After Emma loses the order form of a very important client, he punishes her as he often has before: with a sound spanking. But on this occasion, she settles onto his lap to savor her punishment under his strong hands only soon to find herself in the throes of a very loud orgasm. When questioned, she is forced to admit that she has always been hopelessly aroused by the discipline her boss administers. Now that all feelings are out in the open, will this day prove a nightmare or fulfill the fantasy she has never allowed herself to believe was possible?
Approximately 28 pages (7200 words) in length.
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bdsm, spanking, humiliation, punishment, discipline spanking, spanking discipline, spanking and punishment, discipline sex, boss spanking, spanking and sex, boss erotic, discipline and desire
First Published 2014-04-25 by The Red Spot Press